Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Countdown to the New Year and an Old You

I'm counting down to 2014 with with the top ten ways I know I'm getting old. 

My favorite books are older than the people to whom I want to recommend them.

I had to ask my boss for help with Facebook.

I can manage to reach down to the floor in one smooth movement, but it takes three awkward movements and several pops and cracks before I can get up again. And I tried to do something else on the floor while I was down there. Possibly clean something. But probably not.

When I saw a woman approach a young man and whisper "Do you know your pants are falling down, honey?" I actually thought "You go girl!"

My cat was born before the people who graduated high school this summer.

Six point five!
My medicine cabinet has actual medicine in it.

I still own a VCR. In fairness, I can't remember the last time I used it, but I do still have it. And two tapes from 1987 full of 21 Jump Street episodes. Why else would I still have it?

I thought my eyes had a lovely new shine to them until I realized it was my progressive lenses.

Four point five!
When someone says we're meeting at 10, I no longer assume that means 10pm.

People have started to tell me that I've already told them that story.Which I kind of remembered having told, but I couldn't remember to who.

My favorite television station is no longer MTV but HGTV.

Two point Five!
I start a blog entry in 2013, intending for it to be the last of the year, but end up finishing it in 2014.

When I open my web browser to entertainment news, I don't know who half of the people being mentioned are or recognize most of the names. Nor do I care.

Happy New Year!

PS: I would have listed my affinity for going to Target rather than to a local bar or dance club, but I think Target is the place to be no matter how old you are. Or is that just another sign that I'm getting old?

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