Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sasha's Day

Crap. The alarm's going off. Now she's going to start moving around, and I'm going to have to change my spot. Wait, she's going back to sleep for a few more minutes. Fine, be late to work. See if I care. I can out-sleep you any day.

Oh, that was a good stretch. Now that she's gotten up, I'm just going to scoot over into the warm spot she left. No need to let it cool down. Wait, it sounds like she's pouring fresh food into my bowl. Why does she make me get down to eat breakfast? Would it not be just as easy to pour that food up here where I already am? Now I have to climb all the way down the stairs and go eat out of a bowl like a dog. Do I look like a dog? 

I do love to drink out of my water bowl, though. This new waterfall thing is just like the bathroom sink I used to be able to drink out of. Better even, since it's at my height. As long as she keeps it full, we'll be fine. I wish I could figure out how to drink out of it without getting water all over my mouth. Let me just shake my head a few times and get the water onto the walls and off my whiskers. There, that's better.

She's not moving fast enough. I'd better go sit by the door so she remembers where it is. I don't understand why it takes her so long to get ready. I just lick my coat a few times and call it done.

Thank goodness. Finally, I can go back to bed. Wait, I forgot I don't have to wait for late morning before any light comes through the window. Now that we're in Florida, there's light all the time. There's that perfect spot on the floor next to the bed where the light is coming in directly from the window. I think I'll just stop here for a while before getting back up into bed.

Ugh. I hate that climb up onto the bed. At least now I have my choice of spots. I don't know why she stays up here a the top of the bed and doesn't even cover her head with all these sheets and blankets. I'm climbing way down underneath the comforter to the end of the bed. I just need to make sure I make a noticeable lump so she can find me when she gets home.

Geez, she's loud. What do you mean, where am I? Where am I almost EVERY day? Right here under the comforter. I'll just wiggle a little bit and let her know I heard her, but I'm not sure I'm coming out yet. Well, okay, I guess I'm a little lonely. I'll just go greet her. But I'm going to be just as loud as she is. I still don't know why she asks me how my day was. Do you really think one day in my life looks any different from another? I'm just going to yell a little louder and see if she'll get out the Fancy Feast. Maybe if I look pointedly at the pantry long enough, she'll get a clue. 

Okay, she's either not terribly bright, or she's deliberately ignoring me. I want my egg carton full of Fancy Feast! Alright, I'm pulling out the big guns. Let me just climb up into her lap and see how fast she runs for the Fancy Feast. Oh, even better, she's got the laptop out. I'll just snuggle up on the laptop. She'll get so irritated that she'll get me that Fancy Feast before the next commercial is out. Ha! I knew it would work. At least I've gotten faster at this than I used to be. I finally figured out that all I have to do is flip- the egg carton over, and all the Fancy Feast pieces are on the floor. Crack for cats. Meow.

What now? She's coming at me with that plastic syringe again to stick in my mouth. Is this really necessary? It's so humiliating. And it tastes bad. I'm only letting her get away with it because of the Fancy Feast.

Are we ever going to go back to bed? I think I'll just curl up on my head next to her on the couch. Then I won't miss it when it's time to get up. Look, and here are some socks I can sit on. One more thing that can smell a little more like me.

What happened? It's dark. Did she go to bed without me? How did that happen? Let me just make a quick stop at the potty before I climb back up there. I'd better scratch a few more times just to be sure there's plenty of dust in the air and no one can smell anything. Litter dust is so much better. 

Oh, good, she's on her back. Let me just knead a little and push everything around to make the softest sleeping spot on her tummy. There we go. Backside up by her face, looking straight out to the end of the bed. Perfect. What a lovely day.

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